The closing of the European Union co-financed FOSO POCO project has created a strong foundation, whilst opening new doors, for collaboration between social economy stakeholders from Tartu (Estonia), Cork (Ireland) and Malta.
The one-year project, entitled Fostering Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystems post Covid19 – in short FOSO POCO – which is co-financed by the EU’s COSME programme, comes to an end on 31th January.
Social Entrepreneurship is a business model which places people and the environment above profit, and aims to improve the surrounding community as a result of its business operations, often involving said community in the day-to-day running of the business. This is a niche currently unfulfilled by Government and Big Business, so FOSO POCO provided an entry point for start-ups to tackle societal issues.
The FOSO POCO stakeholders met online over three separate occasions, between July and September, where each entity held a workshop on a given topic, such as Tartu City Council’s talk on Social Enterprises in a Post-Covid19 Economy, Cork City on Social Enterprise – Pilot, Pitch and Internationalise. Malta’s talk was centered on Fostering Social Entrepreneurship Ecosystems – A policy perspective.